Think about it - your application needs to be online and available for the business to run. Downtime is to be avoided like the plague. The buzz is all about five nines of uptime.
How do we as systems architects, DBAs and sysadmins create an environment where routine maintenance is not a thing to be feared and put off, but embraced to allow for proper and needed updates and upgrades to take place?
We at Continuent call this principle Zero-Downtime Maintenance - the ability to perform service while the database layer stays available.
Tungsten Clustering is the most powerful way to keep your data online while executing routine, required maintenance on the underlying nodes.
The key is to have a cluster of managed MySQL database nodes, typically with one master and two slaves, and the applications communicating through our intelligent proxy called the Connector. The Connector routes MySQL queries to the appropriate database node for writes and optionally, reads. In the event of a master failure, the cluster automatically promotes the most up-to-date slave and routes the traffic to the new master.
With three healthy nodes, one slave may be taken out of service (shunned) for maintenance, while the other slave continues to act as a failover and read candidate.
This aligns perfectly with the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model where applications must have access to the data at all times.
Overall, Tungsten Clustering is the most flexible, performant global database layer available today - use it underlying your SaaS offering as a strong base upon which to grow your worldwide business!
Click here for more online information on Tungsten Clustering solutions
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