Watch this 30min training video on how to get started with Tungsten Replicator AMI and how to avail of it on Amazon Marketplace; including a step-by-step demonstration.
Watch this 30min training video on how to get started with Tungsten Replicator AMI and how to avail of it on Amazon Marketplace; including a step-by-step demonstration.
Missed our Tungsten Clustering 6.0 webinar and technical deep di
In our deep dive, we take a detailed look at the new deploy
Join our advanced training session, Tuesday 11/28, as we look at the process of installing Tungsten Replicator to extract data from an Oracle database, via the off-board deployment model.
Join us Tuesday, November 14th for free advanced training session, as we will look at the process of installingTungsten Replicator to extract from an Oracle database.
Join us Tuesday, October 31st for free training, as we take a look at the process for upgrading your Tungsten installation. We will cover:
Reviewing release notes
Obtaining the software
TAR vs RPM installation
Rolling upgrade vs all-in-one
Rolling ba...
Join us for this training session where we discuss tools for backing up a MySQL database within Tungsten, and how Tungsten makes it easy to re-provision databases and recover a cluster. Tuesday, 10/17 at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET. Sign up today at http://...
We are just starting to get into the swing of setting up our new training and webinar schedule. Initially, there will be one Webinar session (typically on a Wednesday) and one training session (on a Tuesday) every week from now. We’ll be covering a variety of different topics at each. Typically our webinars will be …